Chantal J.

Chantal is from Onion Lake First Nation on the border of Saskatchewan and Alberta.

Looking for a change from her gas station job where she did see the opportunity for promotion happening, she participated in the Class 2S Melt Training program after seeing it advertised on Facebook and becoming interested.

According to Chantal, she was supported while applying and taking all the steps needed from ATC Program Coordinator, Natalie Cunningham.

A typical day during the program was in-class training and one-on-one driver training. “The instructors were so nice and easy to learn from. The support from everyone was much appreciated,” Chantal said.

Chantal was surprised by how much she enjoyed making a change for the better. “I was scared,” she said, “but felt empowered once I started succeeding.”

The highlight of the program for her was having all the tools and support she needed to finish the program.

For Chantal, attending this program has led to her working full-time on site. She enjoys getting up and going to work and to be able to make more money for her children and herself. Chantal is really happy with her new job!

When asked what she would tell someone who is thinking about taking the Class 2S Melt Training program or a similar program, Chantal said: “Take the chance, change is scary but worth it. I would have never imagined driving for a living but I am and I can honestly say I love my job”.

The Class 2S Melt Training program is funded by Service Canada and the Government of Alberta – Alberta Labour & Immigration and administered by the Athabasca Tribal Council.


Roy C.
