Indigenous-led change to local healthcare

A Joint health initiative by:

Supporting partners:

Together, we can do better.

The Better Together Project (BTP) is a new and important chance for Indigenous people in Treaty 8 and the Wood Buffalo area to improve their healthcare.

Led by Indigenous leaders and their ideas, BTP will change how healthcare and healing are done locally. It starts by turning part of the old Continuing Care Unit at Fort McMurray’s Northern Lights Regional Health Centre into a safe space for Indigenous wellness. This space will help First Nations, Métis, and Inuit people.

Better Together Project invites all Indigenous community members, healthcare workers, and others to join in. It's about Indigenous people taking control of their health, bringing back their culture, and making things better. BTP wants to fix unfair healthcare and bring back the traditional ways of staying healthy for Indigenous people in the area.

For many years, community members have shared their bad experiences with the healthcare system. These stories, shared by the ATC Board of Directors who are the Chiefs of each of the regional First Nations, show a deep mistrust and lack of care in mainstream healthcare. United, ATC member Nations are working to improve healthcare access and delivery with care, tradition, and understanding.

In 2022, when the Willow Square Continuing Care Centre was built, the hospital's fourth floor was left empty without a clear plan. A partnership was formed between AHS and ATC to create a space that addresses the barriers Indigenous people face in getting healthcare. They signed an official agreement called a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).

This partnership is called the Better Together Project. Both partners are dedicated to its goals and will give what's needed to make it successful.

  • Your Story Matters

    Discover how to engage with us and share your story.

  • Who We Are

    Find information about our approach and who is collaborating on the Project. Learn how to contact us.

  • Foundational Change

    The foundation and teachings of the Medicine Wheel, land connections, and the forest’s life cycle aim to root the healthcare system.

  • Donate

    Your support will have a impact and will help to improve the community and bringing a positive change into Indigenous health and healing.

  • Indigenous Health Resources

    Discover a variety of Indigenous Health resources to support community members.

Indigenous Health community survey

Your feedback is crucial in understanding how this initiative can impact the community and how we can continue to improve. Share your experiences, thoughts, and suggestions to help us create a stronger, more connected community. Your story matters—join us in shaping the future of the Better Together project.

To show our gratitude for completing the survey, we have entered your name into a raffle for a $1,000 Visa gift card. We are making a draw for one gift card per age group: Youth (0-24), Adult (25-59), and Elder (60+). The draw will take place in November 2024. The winners will be contacted by phone.