Your story matters

Ways to Share Your Story

The power to change healthcare lives within the stories of Indigenous peoples. We welcome you to share your stories and ideas on Indigenous-led change to health, healing and care.

Indigenous Health community survey

Your feedback is crucial in understanding how this initiative can impacted the community and how we can continue to improve. Share your experiences, thoughts, and suggestions to help us create a stronger, more connected community. Your story matters—join us in shaping the future of the Better Together project.

To show our gratitude for completing the survey, we have entered your name into a raffle for a $1,000 Visa gift card. We are making a draw for one gift card per age group: Youth (0-24), Adult (25-59), and Elder (60+). The draw will take place in November 2024. The winners will be contacted by phone. 

request a visit

We want to hear your story!

The Better Together Project team understands that sharing stories about mistreatment in healthcare can be hard and bring up strong feelings. When talking about the future of Indigenous healthcare, we focus on your strengths and are ready to hear what you want to say. We promise to listen with care, kindness, and openness, learning from what you share with us. Your stories have the power to make healthcare better. If you want to share your stories and ideas, we invite you to join our events and surveys. You can also contact us directly at to find out more ways to share your thoughts with us.

To arrange a private discussion in-person or virtually, contact us at

Email us

Submit your ideas by email at

The BetTer together Project Phases

Image above, Medicine Wheel Foundation. Click the medicine wheel to learn more about the BTP Foundations.

Community-led change can only happen with your involvement as a community member, healthcare provider, funder, and supporter.

You are crucial to the Better Together Project's success.

  • In the first step of talking with the community, we want to learn more about Safety and Access. We hope to hear about how Indigenous Peoples feel about healthcare and what makes it hard for them to get culturally-safe health, healing, and care.

    Visit the BTP Events Page to view upcoming engagement opportunities.

  • The BTP will start another round of community meetings in 2025. These meetings will focus on learning more about Space and Culture, the next parts of the medicine wheel. After these meetings, the BTP will start planning what to do next. They will use the ideas and thoughts from the community to make and put in place the changes needed to create the Indigenous Wellness Space.


Building relationships is at the heart of Indigenous beliefs. Everything, from the land and water to animals, plants, and people, is seen as having a spirit. For the Better Together Project to succeed, it's crucial to foster relationships between Indigenous peoples and healthcare providers.

Healthcare provider engagement aims to create relationships based on trust, responsibility, and ongoing sharing of knowledge. This involves healthcare professionals from various fields, including Alberta Health Services (AHS), Indigenous Wellness Core members, students in healthcare programs, frontline healthcare workers, and those in the social profit sector. They are encouraged to actively engage with Indigenous peoples and their knowledge systems.

AHS is currently conducting research involving healthcare professionals across hospitals, clinics, mental health services, and Indigenous healthcare providers. They are using a survey developed by the University of Alberta to gather insights. This survey helps the Better Together Project understand the daily challenges faced within the healthcare system. By including the healthcare community's perspectives, the project aims to make meaningful changes to improve the healthcare system.

Supporter Engagement

The Northern Lights Health Foundation (NLHF) is talking to people who want to support the Better Together Project. They want to make sure they have enough money to create the Indigenous Health Space and make it work well.

To find out how you can help the Better Together Project, please get in touch at