Due to UNFORESEEN circumstances this class has been postponed for april 9th. it will be RESCHEDULED at a later date.
Dene Language Revitalization Classes
Open to all Fort Chipewyan Community Members.
Make Dene a Language you speak at home.
As children learn Dene in school, parents can learn the language at the same time by joining Elder Julia Gibot and Julie Mercredi. First, you will be learning greetings. Second, you will learn numbers and months; the third will be animals, plants, and trees. By the end of the 10th session, the attendees can hold small conversations in Dene at home as a family.
Class Dates:
April 9th, 23nd
May 7th, 21th
June 4th
ATC Wellness Centre
If you have questions or to register please contact: