Teaching Traditional Language Through Technology

As technology changes, so has the way we can preserve our traditional Indigenous languages. In 2016, we proudly launched a Cree language app for smart phones. The priority of the app is preserving the language and culture of the Cree people within our membership. It is a way for youth especially, to have easy access to the language. A tool to explore and study Cree. 

The uniqueness of this Cree app is that it is in the dialect specific to First Nations within this region. The app teaches common words that learners can use daily when speaking with Elders or others in the community. Important nouns and words for medicine, numbers and directions create a foundation for communication and the beginnings of language preservation.

This is an exciting milestone for Cree speakers and learners, and we are actively working on a similar app in Dene to be released in 2018, along with updates to the Cree version.


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