The success of each community member makes our communities stronger.
ATC is committed to helping our members achieve their goals, pursue their dreams, and develop a deeper connection to their community, the land, and our culture.
By celebrating our members’ successes and telling their stories we can inspire others, learn, grow, and be more connected.
Below you can read all our success stories or you can search by the ATC department that assisted the member to their success.
Child and Family Services Education | Education, Culture & Language | Employment & Training | Health

Hosting Delegation: A Sharing Opportunity
Through Alberta Children’s Services, the Delegation Training Program is an opportunity to provide casework staff with the skills and knowledge they need to provide intervention, as required by the Child, Youth and Family Enhancement Act.

Family Enhancement Provides Preventative Care and Support
Lori Stevens has a unique role within the ATC Child and Family Services department. Her position in Family Enhancement focuses on those clients who are not in need of intervention, but are facing challenges with family care.

A Youth in Care Connects to his Family Traditions
The older community men had invited this young man to go on a hunt with them. This opportunity was exciting, as it was the young man's first hunt. He was ready to spend time learning the land and cultural ways of surviving and hunting.