Cyrus T.

Cyrus is a 22-year-old member of the Berens River band in Manitoba, and is father to a one-year-old little girl.

He participated in the Class 5 Graduated Driver Licence (GDL) program after seeing it advertised on Athabasca Tribal Council’s (ATC) Facebook page.

When asked about the support, guidance and encouragement from the program coordinators, he said: “Laurie Marion, ATC’s Employment & Training Program Coordinator, was very helpful, always letting me know updates. When COVID-19 was really bad in Fort McMurray, unfortunately we had to cancel, but as soon as everything settled down, Laurie got me booked in right away.”

Before the GDL road test, ATC booked Cyrus in for a two-hour practice driving course with Fort Auto. “The instructor was great, honestly without that I probably wouldn’t have passed,” he said.

The most surprising thing for Cyrus was that ATC covered everything, and he didn’t have to spend a dime. Also, in a year when he is ready to do his advanced road test to become a fully licensed driver, ATC will cover that too. “The highlight of the program for me was getting that piece of paper with my name on it that says Class 5 GDL Driver,” said Cyrus.

For Cyrus, attending this program has now opened up more job opportunities for him in the future and having the option to drive with his family anywhere in Canada.

When asked what he would tell someone who is thinking about taking the Class 5 GDL program or a similar program, Cyrus said: “I would say just go for it, you have nothing to lose.”

The Class 5 Graduated Driver Licence (GDL) program is funded by Service Canada and the Government of Alberta – Indigenous Relations and administered by the Athabasca Tribal Council.


Tyrone C.


Robyn D.